Guča 2020

Guča 2020

Sobzirom da u Guči nema dovoljnog broja hotela, motela i hostela, mnogi posetioci koriste privatni smeštaj. Mi svake godine pored standardne ponude smeštaja u konaku Ćurčić u ponudi imamo smeštajne kapacitete u privatnim kućama u centru, u neposrednoj blizini motela ili hotela, tako da je moguće koristiti hranu ili družiti se sa ostalim gostima iz Srbije i inostranstva na zajedničkim večerima koje organizujemo. Svake godine okupljamo goste iz preko 40 zemalja širom sveta, tako da pored odlične lokacije smeštaja očekuje vas super zabava i druženje. Pored smeštaja u hotelu, motelu, privatnim kućama, svake godine imamo zakupljen neki od hotela pored Guče, a na raspolaganju je i Kamp Ćurčić, koji se nalazi odmah pored stadiona gde se održavaju svi koncerti i takmičenja.

Svake godine Guča Festival poseti od 450.000 - 600.000 ljudi, za svega nekoliko dana trajanja festivala. Imajte na umu da Guča je malo mesto sa oko 2.500 stanovnika i sa oko 250 privatnih kuća. U Guči postoje samo dva veća objekta, konaku Ćurčić i hotel Zlatna Truba, sve ostale smeštajne kapacitete čine privatne kuće. Kada oko pola miliona ljudi dodje na festival nije sve jedno da li ste smešteni u centru ili na nekoliko kilometara od centra Guče. Preporučujemo svim gostima koji dolaze iz inostranstva da koriste smeštaj u Guči, a ne u mestima oko Guče, Čačku, Ivanjici, Požegi. Razlog je očigledan, ukoliko želite da osetite pravi duh Sabora trubača u Guči, ludo se provodite 24 časa, a u isto vreme smeštaj koristite u samom centru, onda smo mi pravi izbor za vas.

(Cene važe od 01.05. do 20.08.)

Tabela 1. Cene PRIVATNI SMEŠTAJ - Guča Sabor trubača

OBAVEŠTENJE: Cena je po osobi / noćenju i uključuje jedan jak obrok dnevno (ND). Smeštaj u minimum 1/2 dvokrevetnoj sobi.

Uslovi plaćanja: Nakon upita za rezervaciju smeštaja, poslaćemo vam potvrdu rezervacije i Profakturu za plaćanje.

(Guča cene smeštaja za hotele, motele i hostele. Cene važe od 01.05. do 20.08.)

Tabela 2. Cene smeštaja HOTELI - Guča Sabor trubača




Galerija slika soba: hotela, motela i privatnog smeštaja

(Cene važe od 01.05. do 20.08.)

Tabela 3. Cene smeštaja KAMP - Guča Sabor trubača

OBAVEŠTENJE: Molimo vas ponesite šator i vreće za spavanje sa sobom. Nakon što dobijemo zahtev za rezervaciju smeštaja, poslaćemo na vaš email potvrdu rezervacije i profakturu za plaćanje.

Uslovi plaćanja:
Nakon slanja zahteva koji treba da sadrži datum dolaska, broj noćenja, broj osoba koji želi smeštaj, na vašu email adresu poslaćemo potvrdu rezervacije sa ukupnom cenom i Profakturom. U zavisnosti od datuma slanja zahteva rezervaciju potrebno je delimično ili u celosti platiti najmanje 21 dan pre datuma početka festivala. Naši kapaciteti obično su popunjeni pre početka festivala, tako da vam preporučujemo da na vreme pošaljete zahtev i što ranije potvrdite rezervaciju smeštaja. Nakon plaćanja rezervacije na vaš email poslaćemo Vaučer sa kojim se javljate kod nas na recepciji. Cene važe u periodu od 01.05. do 20.08.

Ako želite da iznajmite stan u Guči, možete nas kontaktirati putem emaila na:; ili na telefon: +381-64-555-8581;

Transport, Smeštaj Guča, Aranžman Crna Gora

Transport Beograd-Guča-Beograd, Smeštaj, Aranžman Mokra Gora
(Guča Sabor trubača)

Organizujemo prevoz putnika od aerodroma Beograda do Guče i nazad do Beograda. Vreme transfera oko 3 sata u zavisnosti od gužve na putu. Ukoliko više osoba koristi transport, cena prevoza je niža, zato vam preporučujemo da nam pošaljete upit sa brojem osoba kojima je potreban prevoz, datumom odlaska, datumom povratka.

Za grupe od 7 i više osoba, koji žele posetu nekog od lokaliteta u okolini Guče, na raspolaganju imamo dva kombija Mini Van Opel Vivaro 2.5 TDI 8+1 (8 putnika + vozač), karakteristika 2 klime, udoban, prostran, 2011 i 2012 godište.

Ukoliko želite da posetite neku od turističkih atrakcija ovog kraja, pošaljite nam upit, na vaš email poslaćemo ponudu. U ponudi imamo posetu Mokre Gore (udaljenost oko 80km), Drvengrada, Šarganske osmice, Andrić grada, posetu manastira u Ovčarko-Kablarskoj klisuri. Ukoliko želite da odete do Djavoljeve Varoši udaljenost je 200km od Guče i ima ukupno oko 4h vožnje. Ranijih godina imali smo aranžman Srbija - Crna Gora, prevoz od aerdroma Nikola Tesla Beograd do Guče, rezervacija smeštaja u Guči na 3 dana, a zatim odlazak na Žabljak, Biogradsku Goru, Podgoricu, Budvu, Kotor, Dubrovnik.

- rentiranje vozila na 4 dana + gorivo za predviđenu maršutu
- preuzimanje putnika na aerodromu, prevoz na relacija Beograd - Guča - Beograd, smeštaj
- aranžman u trajanju 3 noćenja (4 dana), poseta drugog ili trećeg dana Mokre Gore, Drvengrada, Zlatibora, povratak u Guču,
- poslednjeg dana transfer Guča - Beograd aerodrom.

Mini Van Opel Vivaro 2.5 TDI

- rentiranje vozila na 9 dana + gorivo za predviđenu maršutu
- preuzimanje putnika na aerodromu, prevoz na relacija Beograd - Guča - Beograd, smeštaj
- aranžman u trajanju 9 noćenja (10 dana), poslednjeg dana festivala. Vožnja narednog dana ka Crnoj Gori i poseta destinacija: Nacionalni park Durmitor (2 noći na Žabljaku), Biograd nacionalni park (2 noći u Kolašinu), Kotor, Budva (2 noći).
- povratak za Beograd, aerodrom Nikola Tesla.

Beograd - Guča - Žabljak - Biogradska gora - Budva - Kotor

Aranžma ne uključuje:
- Cenu smeštaja u Crnoj Gori
- Karte, takse za posetu nekog lokaliteta

NAPOMENA: Potrebno je izvršiti uplatu u celosti za rezervaciju kombi prevoza, u cenu uključeno je gorivo, troškovi osobe koja vozi turiste. Na raspolaganju imamo dva vozila i svake godine mesec ipo do dva meseca ranije su rezervisana, pa vam preporučujemo da na vreme potvrdite rezervaciju vozila.

Ukoliko više osoba ide istim prevozom cena po osobi je jeftinija. Molimo vas pošaljite datum dolaska u Beograd, broj osoba koji dolazi, vreme vašeg dolaska na aerodrom na email: ili nas pozovite na +381-64-555-8581;

Kontakt: +381-64-555-8581;


Guca Accommodation Offer 2020

Guca Accommodation Offer 2020 - As there are not many hotels, mostly people stays in Guca private houses. We have Guca  accommodation Offer 2020 for our motel, private houses, camp and also every year rent hotel. Each year in addition to the standard offer of accommodation in Motel Inn Curcic and Hotel Golden Trumpet, we offer accommodation facilities in private homes in the center, close to the motel or hotel, so it is possible to use food or socialize with other guests from Serbia and abroad.  


Every year we gather guests from over 40 countries around the world, so that in addition to the excellent location of the accommodation you can expect great entertainment and socializing. In addition to accommodation in hotels, motels, private homes, every year we rented one of the hotels near Guca for accommodation of group, where come more than 40 people.

Prices valid until 01.05.

Motel Inn has 40 private houses from 100-200 meters far away from main building and restaurant.

Prices valid until 01.05.

Prices valid until 01.05.

Terms of payment: After we receive request for reservation we will send you confirmation email and Invoice for payment. Prices are valid until 01.05.

Please note that from 450.00 to 600.000 people visit Festival for just couple days and that numbers of beds are limited. We need names for all person who will come. We will organize together evenings for all our guests, so please bring with you national flag of your country.

Please contact us for reservation of accommodation in  Guca.
Phone: +381-64-555-8581;

Motel Inn Curcic Guca

Motel Inn Curcic has 150 beds and it is the largest facility in Guca. Motel is located next to the river Bistrica in just 15-20 meters away from the stadium where all concerts and trumpet competitions are held on festival. Accommodation is close and easily accessible to everything.

Traditionally we have guests from all over the world: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland, England, ex Yu Republic, to Australia, America, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, etc.

Our motto is to bring together a small group of people from as many countries, so in about 150 beds we have on average 4-5 people from one country. All our guests bring with them their country's flag. Motel Inn Curcic is the central point where all our guests check in at the reception and than goes in one of our accommodation type.

We have available accommodation offer in motel Inn Curcic, accommodation in about 40 private houses in the center located near motel, accommodation in hotel Nordic (ex hotel Zlatna truba), offer for accommodation in several flets in residential buildings, as well as offer to stay in camp "Curcic" or camp "Center". Check-in motel Inn Curcic from 1:00 PM, check out until 11 AM. Address of motel Inn Curcic is Kneza Milosa Street. Pre-reservations are required because all facilities are rented before festival start.




We organize together evenings for our guests accommodated in a motel, hotel, or in one of about 40 private houses in the center. We have live music in the restoran bar (kafana), which is part of motel building. Legendary Goran Bregovic, 2 years ago was first played in our restoran bar and then held a midnight concert at the stadium. 

A large number of public figures not only from Serbia but also from abroad stay in our accommodation in center, we have hosted some super stars and celebrities from Bulgaria, the mayor of Paris, Mr. Bertrand Delanoë with family, world famous Jazz musicians from New York (Brooklyn), successful European businessman, TV presenters, unavoidable Serbian politicians, as well as domestic and foreign TV medias, such as, for example, Radio Television Serbia, which is every year media sponsor of the festival.

For guests who want a quieter location, we offer 40 private houses in the immediate vicinity of the motel. Price of accommodation in private houses is the same as in the motel Inn Curcic. For reservations and to rental a house they need to be at least 7 people. If the number is less, we recommend reservation in motel Inn Curcic. Motel has 3 floors and every two rooms share one bathroom. Until now at the center of Guca there is no possibility to offering exclusive accommodation or apartments offers because Guca is little place and for a 5-7 days from 450,000 to 600,000 people visits festival.

Table 1. Accommodation price list motels/hotels, Guča

For those who want peace and quiet for accommodation out of Guca, on your request we can send our offer. Realistically we are the epicenter of the best parties in Guca, gatherings, multiculturalism, lack of sleep, almost all people who visit the festival come to us, or at least pass near, and the ability to being in a place all the time, on central location, carries a special charm and mystery traditions of the festival 55 years old.

Table 2. Accommodation price list Motel Inn Ćurčić, Guča

Guca is a small town with about 350 houses, in 2011, there are live about 1750 people. There is a problem of accommodation capacities because every year the festival visited by about half a million people. Unfortunately in Guca we have only two hotels, first one hotel AS has only 8 beds (4 double bedrooms), and Hotel Zlatna truba (all previous years we had rented rooms and hotel was used to accommodate participants on festival) and one motel Inn "Curcic" with 150 beds.

Motel Curcic Guca 
Motel Curcic Guca

To guests who arriving from abroad we do not recommend to book accommodation outside of village Guca. The reasons for this recommendation are a huge number of visitors, often it happens that people lose, accommodation prices are about the same as in cities Ivanjica, Cacak and other places, and one of the biggest reasons is that every year there are several police patrols where they checks drivers on alcohol. Person who sitting next to the driver also must not be under the influence of alcohol, and on Guca festival almost all visitors want to spend good time, which inevitably involves a bunch of drunk alcohol. In case you are stopped by the police under the influence of alcohol, the vehicle is excluded from traffic, and by law the driver spends at least 12 hours in custody until sober. For foreigners this can be a huge shock, disappointment, and we all strive to such situations are almost gone.

If you want to visit some of the tourist attractions of this area, please send us an inquiry, we will send on your email our offer. We have offer to visit Mokra Gora (distance about 80km), Wooden Town (Drvengrad), Sargan Eight, Andric city, to visiting monasteries in Ovcar-Kablar gorge. If you want to go to Devil's Town distance is 200km from Guče. In previous years we have had an arrangement Serbia - Montenegro, transportation from airports Nikola Tesla Belgrade to Guca, booking Festival accommodation for 3 days and then go to Zabljak, Biogradska Gora, Podgorica, Budva, Kotor, and Dubrovnik.

For groups of 7 or more people who want to visit some of the sites in the vicinity of Guca, we have a two mini vans Opel Vivaro 2.5 TDI 8 + 1 (8 passengers + driver), feature 2 air conditioners, comfortable, roomy, 2011 and 2012 year.

Transport mini van Opel Vivaro 2.5 TDI

Photo Gallery Arrangement: 

Belgrade - Guča - Žabljak - Biogradska gora - Budva - Kotor

Arangement-1 include:
- Renting a car on 4 days + fuel for the planned itinerary
- Transport Belgrade - Guca - Belgrade + accommodation in Guca
- Arrangement for 3 nights (4 days), visit the second or third day of the Mokra Gora, Drvengrad, Zlatibor, back in Guca,
- Last day transfer Guca - Belgrade airport.

Arangement-2 include:
- Renting a car at 4 days + fuel for the planned itinerary
- Transport Belgrade - Guca - Belgrade + accommodation in Guca
- Arrangement for 9 days (10 days), the last day of the festival driving to Montenegro and visiting destinations: Durmitor National Park (2 nights in Zabljak), Biograd National Park (2 nights in Kolasin), Kotor, Budva (2 nights).
- Return to Belgrade airport Nikola Tesla.

The package does not include:
- The price of accommodation
- Tickets, Fees for visiting some tourism attraction

Every year we organize transport from Belgrade to Guca and back. Ttransport is not our primary activity, but we want to offer a more complete service to all who wish to come to the festival. You need to send a request on our email. If you are coming from abroad, by airplane, specify the number of your flight, or if you want transport a certain day from the center of Belgrade to Guca, specify the time that suits you and make sure the number of people who need transportation.

Table 2. Prices for taxi in Belgrade

If you arrive by car, van, motorcycle or bicycle parking is provided in front of the motel Inn Curcic or in the house courtyard where you were staying. Upon entering the Guca it is charged to enter with the car in Guca you will charge around 10 EUR (1,000 RSD), and for buses price is around 25 EUR (3,000 RSD). Before entering the Guca there is plenty of parking which charge about 10 EUR per day. What is important for all of you who are thinking to be our guests, it is that the parking infront our motel is free. You will receive a pass and with it you can unlimited number of times exit and enter Guca.

  Motel Ćurčić Guča
Motel Ćurčić Guča  

Ćurčić Guča
Guca Location Map

Terms of payment:
When you sending email with request for pre-reservation or for any information which you need, please writte date of your arrival, number of nights, number of people who want to come or need accommodation. We will send confirmation of the reservation with the total amount and invoice for payment, or answer on any of your question. Depending on the date of your request for reservation, you will need it at least 21 days before its your first arriving date to pay full amount of reservation. Our facilities are usually over booked one month before festival start, so we recommended to you to send request as soon as possible and confirm the booking of accommodation. After making a payment, we will send on your email voucher and with it you need to check in on our reception when you arrive.  Rates are valid from 01.05. to 20.08.

If you have any questions, we are available.

Phone: +381-64-555-8581;