Hotel AS Guca

Hotel "AS", Guca
Hotel AS Guca in the accommodation part has 5 rooms, 3 triple and 2 double rooms. Each room has bathroom, mini-bar, satellite TV, phone, internet connection. Other facilities are restaurant with summer terrace, banquet hall, room service, free parking for guests.

Hotel Lucani, Guca

Hotel AS has restaurant with capacity of 120 places. Professional staff will offer you specialties of international and national cuisine which is a famous in Serbia. In the immediate vicinity of the hotel is the outdoor swimming pool that is available for hotel guests. Guests of the hotel offer the possibility of organizing one day trips to the lake Vuckovic, visiting of Ovčar-Kablar monasteries, Rćanska cave etc.

Accommodation prices for period from 01.05. until 20.08.

In the heart of Dragačevo, only 20 km from Čačak, is located new and modern hotel AS. Surrounded by nature, this property is an ideal destination for all who want comfort vacation in the nature with high quality of services. In the hotel there is Equestrian club, free business services photocopiers, fax, computer with internet connection, connected to the Internet in all rooms-free, wireless internet in the hotel lobby and bar.

Phone: +381-64-555-8581;

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